JEE (Standard 12 JEE Coaching)
JEE Coaching Ahmedabad (Regular Classroom Program)

This program is for aspirants who have appeared/ passed Class XII exams, and want to appear for the entrance exams the following year The program is meant for Engineering aspirants who did not take any specialized coaching during their class XI/ Class XII or who did the coaching but want to improvise on their preparation.
The program is aimed at sharpening the existing skills of the students by including both conventional and nonconventional approaches to the subjects concerned.
The conventional approach will
help students master the concepts whereas the non-conventional approach will thrust an insight to solve the
problems quickly. Book your free demo before JEE Coaching(Ahmedabad).
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Single Session One Year
JEE 1 Year Course Structure
The program will comprise the teaching of entire JEE syllabus c class XI & XII. Regular tests are conducted to help the student in judging the performance level, Improve the knowledge, Understanding of topic and problem solving skills.
Most Relevant(Admission, Result, Colleges) Information about JEE: Please refer these pages -CALL : 97277 66766
Std 11-12 JEE Students | Subjects Material.


Std. 11-12 | Module 1 to 6

Std. 11-12 | Module 1 to 6

Std. 11-12 | Module 1 to 6
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